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Pathfinder Reference Document

Colossus, Sphinx

This stone edifice resembles a lion with a regal human face, garbed in royal clothing.

Sphinx Colossus CR 14/MR 4

XP 38,400

N Gargantuan construct (colossus, mythic)

Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, tremorsense 120 ft., x-ray vision; Perception +16

Aura frightful presence (150 ft., DC 20), selective antimagic aura (20 ft.)


AC 31, touch 7, flat-footed 30 (+1 Dex, +24 natural, -4 size)

hp 199 (18d10+100)

Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +10

Defensive Abilities block attacks, fortification (50%); DR 10/epic; Immune construct traits


Speed 50 ft., earth glide

Melee 2 slams +29 (3d6+15) or

stomp +29 (6d6+22 plus pinning stomp)

Ranged rock +15 (3d6+22)

Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.

Special Attacks mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), mythic quickening, pinning stomp, rock throwing (120 ft.)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th, concentration +13)

3/day—true strike

1/day—moment of prescience


Str 40, Dex 13, Con —, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 13

Base Atk +18; CMB +37; CMD 48 (52 vs. trip)

Feats Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Vital Strike

Skills Knowledge (arcana, religion) +8, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16

Languages Celestial, Sphinx

SQ alternate form, create rocks, mythic creation, mythic resilience


Environment warm deserts

Organization solitary

Treasure none

Special Abilities

Alternate Form (Ex) As a full-round action, a sphinx colossus can take the form of a sphinx statue. The colossus becomes immobile, its DR increases to 20/epic, and it gains fast healing 10. While the sphinx colossus can't attack in this form, it can use its spell-like and supernatural abilities, and it retains its Dexterity bonus to AC. It can resume its base form as a full-round action.

Create Rocks (Ex) As a move action, a sphinx colossus can scoop up earth or rubble from an unoccupied square within its reach and compact it into a solid mass appropriate for use with its rock throwing ability. When it does so, the square from which the material is gathered becomes difficult terrain. No square may be used in this fashion more than once.

Selective Antimagic Aura (Su) Spells and abilities of the divination school are unaffected by this aura.

A sphinx colossus is an ancient relic carved by priests and god-kings to protect their secrets. A sphinx colossus stands roughly 60 feet tall and weighs about 220,000 pounds.


The body of a sphinx colossus is first carved from sandstone of the highest quality costing 25,000 gp.

Sphinx Colossus

CL 11th; Price 100,000 gp


Requirements Craft Construct, Mythic Crafter, Quicken Spell, 4th mythic rank or tier, antimagic field, limited wish, moment of prescience, true strike; Skill Craft (stonemasonry) DC 25; Cost 62,500 gp

Colossus, Wood

This gigantic construct looks like a walking mansion, its body and limbs composed of various rooms.

Wood Colossus CR 17/MR 6

XP 102,400

N Gargantuan construct (colossus, mythic)

Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11

Aura selective antimagic aura (30 ft., DC 24, 10 rounds)


AC 35, touch 5, flat-footed 35 (-1 Dex, +30 natural, -4 size)

hp 237 (18d10+138); fast healing 20

Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9

Defensive Abilities second save; DR 10/epic; Immune construct traits

Weaknesses vulnerable to fire


Speed 60 ft., woodland stride

Melee 3 slams +31 (2d12+17) or

stomp +31 (4d12+25 plus pinning stomp)

Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.

Special Attacks mythic power (6/day, surge +1d8), mythic quickening, pinning stomp


Str 45, Dex 9, Con —, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 16

Base Atk +18; CMB +39; CMD 48

Feats Combat Reflexes, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike

Skills Intimidate +11, Perception +11

Languages Common

SQ alternate form, mythic creation, mythic resilience


Environment any land

Organization solitary

Treasure none

Special Abilities

Alternate Form (Ex) As a full-round action, a wood colossus can transform into a manor house. Each time it does so, it can choose a different internal architecture to suit its master's needs. The wood colossus can include any kind of wooden furniture in its rooms (including chairs, work benches, and the like), but can't create any objects not made out of wood. Any objects that were in the manor house when the colossus last transformed into its true form are present unless the colossus chose to expel them. The manor house can comfortably house up to 10 Medium creatures; when the colossus reverts to its true form, these creatures are expelled without taking damage. While in this form, the colossus can't make melee attacks but can use telekinesis at will on wooden objects inside of it.

Selective Antimagic Aura (Su) Spells and effects that have the light descriptor or affect plants are unaffected by this aura.

Standing 60 feet tall and weighing over 200 tons, a wood colossus can serve both as a guardian and as a manor.


The body of a wood colossus requires hundreds of tons of living trees or raw lumber, costing at least 80,000 gp.

Wood Colossus

CL 14th price 300,000 gp


Requirements Craft Construct, Mythic Crafter, 7th mythic rank or tier, antimagic field, magnificent mansion, ironwood, limited wish or miracle Skill Craft (woodworking) DC 30; Cost 190,000 gp