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Pathfinder Reference Document

Step 1: Array

The arrays presented in this chapter allow you to quickly derive the statistics for three broad types of monsters. Each one allows for a fair amount of customization—especially through monster options—but the monster's statistics stay close to the baselines set by PC progressions and Table: Monster Statistics by CR in the Bestiary. The options roughly correspond to the combat, skill, and spell roles used for monster advancement in the normal monster creation system. Therefore, if you were to recreate a monster with the combat role (such as an ogre or vrock), you would start with the combatant array. You can choose whichever array you prefer, unless the monster is meant to mimic an NPC created with a character class from Step 2 or a template from Step 4. The three arrays are as follows.

Combatant: Any monster that focuses primarily on its physical power uses the combatant array. High attack bonuses, hit points, and defenses are the defining traits of this array. A combatant's skills are weak, and the majority of its options are in the combat category. Most creatures of low or no Intelligence should be combatants, as should intelligent monsters with combat training.

Expert: A monster uses the expert array if it's focused on skills, interaction, or cunning tactics. This array provides moderate statistics in most areas, but strong skills and extensive monster options. The expert array is the ideal way to replicate skill-based NPCs such as rogues or bards. In many cases, expert monsters are more likely to attempt tricking or befriending the PCs than fight.

Spellcaster: If a monster relies primarily on spells, it uses the spellcaster array. Though the monster's statistics are typically weak overall, it gains access to a sizable number of spells from the lists in Step 6. Because this system uses benchmark numbers instead of calculating individual statistics, a monster that uses its spells primarily to increase its own abilities (so that it can become a strong melee combatant, for instance) should use the array that best matches the way it will be used in the game rather than using the spellcaster array just because it can cast magic.

Character Classes

You might create a monster that should use the statistics for a character class, either because the monster would normally be created by adding class levels to the monster or because you think the monster's abilities are similar enough to those of a character class that it would be quicker to start with the class. In this case, look ahead to the class grafts and use the array required by the class you desire. Keep in mind that a monster with class levels typically has a CR equal to its class level – 1, so if you want your monster to have particular level-dependent class abilities, you'll want to use the statistics for a CR that's 1 lower than the target class level.

As mentioned before, a monster that primarily relies on its racial or innate abilities with only a small number of class levels might be built differently. You can create the monster using its creature type graft, then refer to the related class graft for ideas of which monster options to select.

Using an Array

In the simple monster creation system, you don't use the normal calculations to generate your monster's final statistics. Instead, you take the numbers directly from the array, then make a few adjustments based on grafts and monster options later along in the process. In other words, if the array says the monster's Fortitude saving throw bonus is +11, that number is its total bonus—it's assumed to already include all bonuses from Hit Dice, classes, Constitution modifier, and magic items, regardless of later adjustments.

Each array consists of two tables: the first contains most of the monster's statistics and choices, and the second contains the array's options for attacks and damage values. To start creating your monster's statistics, find the table with the appropriate array and go to the row for your monster's desired CR. Record the statistics from that row according to the following guidelines.

CR, AC, Saving Throws, CMD, hp, and DCs: Record these numbers as they appear on the table. A few of these might change in later stages, but there aren't any additional choices to make for these numbers during this step of the process. Note that for AC, the first number is the normal AC, the second is touch AC, and the third is flat-footed AC. For saving throws, you can swap one save with another to better suits your monster. The two DC columns are used for all the monster's abilities and spells. For any ability that isn't a spell, use the ability DC listed. For any spell the monster can cast, add the spell's level to the number from the spell DC column. Use the spell's cleric or sorcerer/wizard level if multiple classes can cast it. If neither of those classes has the spell, use the highest spell level listed in the spell's description.

Ability Modifiers: For this step, you'll assign the modifiers for the monster's three most important ability scores. You can use whatever criteria you like to assign the ability modifiers; each array's section gives suggestions for typical choices. All other abilities have a modifier of +0, though you can give the monster a penalty if thematically appropriate. Note that these entries are the ability modifiers, not the ability scores, since you'll primarily use them as the default modifiers for skill checks and ability checks. Write down the ability modifier assignments you've chosen.

Skills: All skills are divided into two categories, representing those the monster has mastered and ones it's merely good at. The number with the plus before it is the skill's bonus, and the number in parentheses indicates how many skills the monster gets at that level of expertise. For instance, a master entry of "+11 (2)" means that the monster gets two skills at +11, and any other "master skills" that grafts provide will also be at +11. These bonuses are assumed to include the monster's ability score bonuses, ranks, feats, and racial modifiers as appropriate to get the value given here. Write down the monster's good and master bonuses, and note how many skills it has with each bonus. Because grafts can alter a monster's number of skills or bestow or deny specific skills, you'll decide on specific skills in Step 8.

Options: Most of a monster's abilities beyond its base statistics come from monster options. There are four categories of options: combat, magic, social, and universal. Each entry lists how many options of a given category that monster can take, with "any" meaning that there's no category restriction for those options. Make a note of how many options of each type the monster gets. You define the options in Step 7.

Attacks and Damage: The second table shows four options for a monster's attacks. Two columns show weapon-based attacks, one with a high bonus and one with a low bonus. Use the higher attack and damage values for the monster's main attack. If the monster has additional attacks that are less powerful, use the lower attack and damage values for those attacks—a creature that's primarily a ranged attacker would use high values for its longbow attacks and low values for its longsword attacks. You can mix and match these values. For example, since ranged attacks typically deal less damage, you might have a longbow attack use the high attack value but the low damage value.

The remaining two columns are for natural attacks—either two attacks (two slam or claw attacks, for example) or one powerful primary attack and two weaker secondary attacks (such as a bite and two claws). At some levels, a monster might have a negative number for an attack bonus; this means that number of attacks is probably too strong for a monster of that CR. These entries are included for completeness.

The number in parentheses indicates the amount of damage each attack deals. For example, an entry that reads "+10/+5 (10)" means that when the monster makes a full attack, it makes one attack at +10 and one at +5, and that each attack deals an average of 10 points of damage. An entry reading "1 at +10 (10), 2 at +5 (5)" indicates that the monster would make one attack at +10 that deals 10 points of damage and two at +5 that deal 5 points of damage each.

Write down the attack bonuses and the damage for the monster's attacks. In Step 9, you'll assign dice to the damage values (see page 241). If your monster should have a number of attacks different from what you see here (four tentacle attacks, for example), that section includes advice for how to alter the monster's attacks using Table: Monster Statistics by CR.

Reading Array Entries

Each section on the following pages briefly explains the concept of a particular array, then provides the following tools.

Themes: These examples detail some common types of monsters this array can be used to create. The theme entry suggests the main ability scores, skills, and monster options the monster might take. Spellcaster entries also include suggested spell lists. All these listings are simply suggestions, and are provided to point you toward the best monster options quickly.

Main Statistics: Most statistics for the monster array appear on the large table at the bottom of the left-hand page, organized by CR.

Attack Statistics: The array continues on the right-hand page with attack options and damage values by CR.

Combatant Array

The most common type of monster in most regions, a combatant is at its best on the battlefield. A combatant monster typically has high physical statistics and powerful attacks. Strong defenses, hit points, and attacks take precedence over skills and options. This array covers a wide variety of creatures, from brutish beasts to experienced generals.

Some common combatants include most animals and vermin, most demons, chokers, most giants, ghouls, golems, ogres, trolls, and worgs.

Combatant Themes

The following themes reflect many of the styles combatants might use to fight.

Beater: Big and rugged, the beater is all about hitting things hard and soaking up a ton of punishment. Ability modifiers—Strength and Constitution; skillsClimb, Intimidate, Swim; combat options—damage reduction, diehard, extra hit points, power attack, rend.

Commander: Leading by example, the commander fights while inspiring allies to greater success. Ability modifiers—Strength and Charisma; skillsAcrobatics, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Ride; combat options—challenge, combatant's touch, improved initiative; social options—bolstering presence, heroic recovery.

Hunter: Trained to fight by stalking its foes, the hunter thrives on the element of surprise. Ability modifiers—Strength or Dexterity and Wisdom; skillsClimb, Handle Animal, Perception, Survival, Swim; combat options—bleed, critical striker, favored enemy, trap squares; social option—alertness.

Rider: Mounted on another creature, the rider attacks using its advantageous position. Ability modifiers—Dexterity and Strength; skillsHandle Animal, Intimidate, Ride; combat options—improved initiative, mounted master, powerful charge.

Sharpshooter: This monster attacks from a distance, typically using a bow, crossbow, or firearm. Ability modifiers—Dexterity and Wisdom; skillsAcrobatics, Perception, Stealth; combat options—extra attack, far shot, fast reload, firearm savvy, precise shot; universal option—magic weapon.

Skirmisher: Dancing in and out of battle, the skirmisher uses speed and trickery. Ability modifiers—Dexterity and Charisma; skillsAcrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Stealth; combat options—dodge expert, extra attack, mobile attack, repositioning attack; universal option—terrain stride.

Tactician: With an vast bag of tricks, the tactician uses its savvy mind more than its brawn. Ability modifiers—Intelligence and Dexterity; skillsBluff, Escape Artist, Perception; combat options—defense breaker, deflect projectiles, improved combat maneuver, mage-killer, sneak attack.

Untouchable: Protected by exhaustive defenses, the untouchable can't be phased by most attacks. Ability modifiers—Constitution and Dexterity; skillsAcrobatics, Perception, Survival; combat options—damage reduction, dodge expert or extra armor, immunity, spell resistance, uncanny dodge.

Weakener: Rather than dealing massive amounts of damage, the weakener undermines its opponents' combat abilities. This theme offers several potential options, but avoid giving the monster more than two. Ability modifiers—Strength and Constitution; skillsIntimidate, Perception, Stealth; combat options—ability damage, blood drain, defense breaker, energy drain, fear attack, paralysis, stun attack.

Combatant Classes

If your monster is meant to act as though it has a character class, it gains a class graft. The following class grafts require the monster to use the combatant array: barbarian, cavalier, fighter, gunslinger, monk, paladin, and ranger. For animal companions and mounts, see this entry.

Combatant Main Statistics
  Saving Throws   Ability
1/213, t 12, f 12+1+1+0131199+3, +2, +1+8 (1)+5 (2)1 combat
114, t 12, f 12+2+2+114161010+3, +2, +1+9 (1)+6 (2)1 combat
216, t 12, f 12+3+3+116221111+3, +2, +1+10 (1)+7 (2)1 combat
317, t 12, f 12+4+4+218331211+4, +2, +1+11 (1)+8 (2)1 combat, 1 any
419, t 12, f 14+5+5+320441312+4, +3, +1+12 (1)+9 (2)1 combat, 1 any
520, t 12, f 15+6+6+421601312+5, +3, +2+13 (1)+10 (2)1 combat, 1 any
621, t 12, f 15+7+7+523771412+5, +3, +2+14 (1)+11 (2)1 combat, 1 any
722, t 13, f 16+8+8+624931512+6, +4, +2+15 (1)+12 (2)1 combat, 1 any
823, t 13, f 17+9+9+7261101613+6, +4, +2+16 (1)+13 (2)1 combat, 1 any
925, t 15, f 18+10+10+8281261613+7, +4, +3+17 (1)+14 (2)1 combat, 1 any
1026, t 15, f 19+11+11+9291431713+7, +5, +3+18 (1)+14 (2)1 combat, 1 any
1127, t 16, f 20+12+12+10301591813+8, +5, +3+19 (1)+15 (2)1 combat, 1 any
1229, t 17, f 21+13+13+11321761914+8, +5, +4+20 (1)+16 (2)2 combat, 1 any
1330, t 18, f 22+14+14+12331981914+9, +6, +4+21 (1)+17 (2)2 combat, 1 any
1431, t 18, f 23+15+15+12342202014+9, +6, +4+23 (1)+18 (2)2 combat, 1 any
1532, t 19, f 24+16+16+13362422114+10, +7, +5+25 (1)+20 (2)2 combat, 1 any
1633, t 19, f 24+17+17+14372642215+11, +7, +5+27 (1)+22 (2)2 combat, 1 any
1734, t 20, f 25+18+18+15382972215+11, +8, +5+29 (1)+23 (2)2 combat, 1 any
1835, t 21, f 26+18+18+16393302315+12, +8, +6+31 (1)+25 (2)3 combat, 1 any
1936, t 21, f 27+19+19+16403632416+13, +9, +6+33 (1)+27 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2038, t 22, f 28+20+20+17424072517+13, +9, +6+35 (1)+28 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2139, t 23, f 29+21+21+18434402517+14, +10, +7+37 (1)+30 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2241, t 24, f 30+21+21+18454842618+14, +10, +7+39 (1)+32 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2342, t 25, f 31+22+22+19465282719+15, +11, +7+41 (1)+33 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2444, t 26, f 33+23+23+20485722820+15, +11, +8+43 (1)+35 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2545, t 27, f 33+24+24+21506162820+16, +12, +8+45 (1)+37 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2646, t 27, f 34+25+25+22516602921+16, +12, +8+47 (1)+38 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2747, t 28, f 35+26+26+23527043022+17, +13, +9+49 (1)+40 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2848, t 28, f 36+27+27+24537483123+17, +13, +9+51 (1)+42 (2)3 combat, 1 any
2949, t 29, f 36+28+28+25547923224+18, +14, +10+53 (1)+43 (2)3 combat, 1 any
3050, t 30, f 37+29+29+26558363325+18, +15, +10+55 (1)+45 (2)3 combat, 1 any
Combatant Attack Statistics
 Weapon AttacksNatural Attacks
CRHigh (Damage)Low (Damage)Two (Damage)Three (Damage)
1/2+1 (5)+0 (4)2 at –1 (4)1 at –1 (6), 2 at –6 (4)
1+2 (8)+1 (6)2 at +0 (4)1 at +0 (6), 2 at –5 (4)
2+4 (11)+3 (8)2 at +2 (6)1 at +2 (6), 2 at –3 (4)
3+6 (14)+4 (10)2 at +6 (8)1 at +6 (10), 2 at +1 (5)
4+8 (17)+6 (13)2 at +8 (9)1 at +8 (12), 2 at +3 (6)
5+10/+5 (15)+7/+2 (11)2 at +10 (11)1 at +10 (15), 2 at +5 (8)
6+12/+7 (18)+8/+3 (13)2 at +12 (14)1 at +12 (19), 2 at +7 (10)
7+13/+8 (22)+10/+5 (16)2 at +13 (17)1 at +13 (22), 2 at +8 (11)
8+15/+10 (26)+11/+6 (19)2 at +15 (20)1 at +15 (26), 2 at +10 (13)
9+17/+12 (29)+12/+7 (22)2 at +17 (22)1 at +17 (30), 2 at +12 (15)
10+18/+13/+8 (28)+13/+8/+3 (21)2 at +18 (25)1 at +18 (33), 2 at +13 (17)
11+19/+14/+9 (32)+14/+9/+4 (23)2 at +19 (28)1 at +19 (37), 2 at +14 (19)
12+21/+16/+11 (35)+15/+10/+5 (26)2 at +21 (31)1 at +21 (41), 2 at +16 (21)
13+22/+17/+12 (38)+16/+11/+6 (28)2 at +22 (33)1 at +22 (44), 2 at +17 (22)
14+23/+18/+13 (41)+17/+12/+7 (30)2 at +23 (36)1 at +23 (48), 2 at +18 (24)
15+24/+19/+14/+9 (41)+18/+13/+8/+3 (31)2 at +24 (39)1 at +24 (52), 2 at +19 (26)
16+26/+21/+16/+11 (47)+19/+14/+9/+4 (35)2 at +26 (44)1 at +26 (59), 2 at +21 (30)
17+27/+22/+17/+12 (53)+20/+15/+10/+5 (40)2 at +27 (50)1 at +27 (66), 2 at +22 (33)
18+28/+23/+18/+13 (59)+21/+16/+11/+6 (44)2 at +28 (55)1 at +28 (74), 2 at +23 (37)
19+29/+24/+19/+14 (65)+22/+17/+12/+7 (48)2 at +29 (61)1 at +29 (81), 2 at +24 (41)
20+30/+25/+20/+15 (70)+23/+18/+13/+8 (53)2 at +30 (66)1 at +30 (88), 2 at +25 (44)
21+31/+26/+21/+16 (76)+24/+19/+14/+9 (58)2 at +31 (72)1 at +31 (96), 2 at +26 (48)
22+32/+27/+22/+17 (82)+25/+20/+15/+10 (62)2 at +32 (77)1 at +32 (103), 2 at +27 (52)
23+33/+28/+23/+18 (88)+26/+21/+16/+11 (66)2 at +33 (83)1 at +33 (110), 2 at +28 (55)
24+35/+30/+25/+20 (97)+27/+22/+17/+12 (73)2 at +35 (91)1 at +35 (121), 2 at +30 (61)
25+36/+31/+26/+21 (105)+28/+23/+18/+13 (79)2 at +36 (99)1 at +36 (132), 2 at +31 (66)
26+37/+32/+27/+22 (114)+29/+24/+19/+14 (85)2 at +37 (108)1 at +37 (143), 2 at +32 (72)
27+38/+33/+28/+23 (123)+30/+25/+20/+15 (91)2 at +38 (116)1 at +38 (154), 2 at +33 (77)
28+39/+34/+29/+24 (132)+31/+26/+21/+16 (97)2 at +39 (124)1 at +39 (165), 2 at +34 (83)
29+40/+35/+30/+25 (140)+32/+27/+22/+17 (103)2 at +40 (132)1 at +40 (176), 2 at +35 (88)
30+41/+36/+31/+26 (149)+33/+28/+23/+18 (108)2 at +41 (141)1 at +41 (187), 2 at +36 (94)

Expert Array

Possessing in-depth knowledge, experts often appear as leaders, trusted advisors, or elite operatives. An expert monster typically has a high Intelligence modifier, but its other statistics vary depending on its role. Strong skills and interaction options are an expert's most important traits, but as the expert array is more versatile than the other arrays, many experts also pick up the secondary magic option or tactical combat options.

Common expert monsters include doppelgangers, imps, intellect devourers, invisible stalkers, and pixies.

Expert Themes

The following themes represent skill sets and areas of knowledge an expert might embrace.

Advisor: Usually serving as an assistant to a more powerful creature, the advisor fills a support role. Ability modifiers—Charisma and Wisdom; skillsBluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Sense Motive; combat option—improved initiative; social options—alertness, inspire competence, persuasive, slippery mind.

Apothecary: With extensive practice in creating alchemical concoctions, the apothecary might be an alchemist or a village healer. Ability modifiers—Intelligence and Constitution; skillsAppraise, Craft (alchemy), Heal, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Spellcraft; combat option—bombs; magic options;—mutagen, potent healing, potions, remove minor condition, remove moderate condition, secondary magic (alchemy or healing spell list).

Artificer: Well acquainted with items and their creation, the artificer could be a crafter, a merchant, or an expert on magical devices. Ability modifiers—Intelligence and Charisma or Strength; skillsAppraise, Craft (any), Disable Device, Knowledge (engineering), Use Magic Device; combat option—firearm savvy; magic options: magical aptitude; social option—mercantile savvy; universal option—magic weapon.

Deceiver: A master of chicanery blessed with a silver tongue, the deceiver knows how to get its way. Ability modifiers—Charisma and Intelligence; skillsBluff, Disguise, Knowledge (local), Perform (oratory), Sense Motive; combat option—sneak attack; social options—alertness, inspire fear, persuasive, slippery mind.

Guide: Familiar with a particular area or skilled at getting along in the wild, a guide can get people where they need to go. Ability modifiers—Wisdom and Constitution; skillsClimb, Handle Animal, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Survival, Swim; combat option—extra hit points; social options—alertness, animal friend, sound mimicry; universal option—terrain stride (undergrowth).

Performer: Born to the stage, the performer puts on an elaborate show. Ability modifiers—Charisma and Dexterity; skillsAcrobatics, Disguise, Escape Artist, Perform (any), Sleight of Hand; combat options—dodge expert, mobility; social options—bolstering presence, fascinate, persuasive.

Scholar: Through extensive study, the scholar picks up detailed information about a variety of subjects, becoming an invaluable resource. Ability modifiers—Intelligence and Wisdom; skills—Appraise, Knowledge (any), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device; magic options—magical aptitude, protective ward; social option—knowledgeable; universal option—secondary magic (knowledge or magic spell list).

Spy: A well-rounded expert, the spy needs to be prepared for any situation. Ability modifiers—Charisma and Dexterity; skillsBluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, Stealth; combat options—constant invisibility, poison, sneak attack; social options—alertness, persuasive, slippery mind.

Expert Classes

If your monster is meant to act as though it has a character class, it gains a class graft. The following class grafts require the monster to use the expert array: alchemist, bard, inquisitor, magus, and rogue.

Expert Main Statistics
  Saving Throws   Ability
1/211, t 10, f 10+0+0+311101111+3, +2, +1+8 (3)+5 (2)1 any
112, t 10, f 10+1+1+412151212+3, +2, +1+9 (3)+6 (2)1 any
214, t 10, f 10+1+1+514201313+3, +2, +1+10 (3)+7 (2)1 any
315, t 10, f 11+2+2+616301413+4, +2, +1+11 (3)+8 (2)1 any, 1 social
417, t 10, f 12+3+3+718401514+4, +3, +1+12 (3)+9 (2)1 any, 1 social
518, t 10, f 13+4+4+819551514+5, +3, +2+13 (3)+10 (2)1 any, 1 social
619, t 11, f 14+5+5+921701614+5, +3, +2+14 (3)+11 (2)1 any, 1 social
720, t 12, f 15+6+6+1022851714+6, +4, +2+15 (3)+12 (2)1 any, 1 social
821, t 12, f 15+7+7+11241001815+6, +4, +2+16 (3)+13 (2)1 any, 1 social
923, t 13, f 17+8+8+12261151815+7, +4, +3+17 (3)+14 (2)1 any, 1 social
1024, t 14, f 18+9+9+13271301915+7, +5, +3+18 (3)+14 (2)1 any, 1 social
1125, t 15, f 18+10+10+14281452015+8, +5, +3+19 (3)+15 (2)1 any, 1 social
1227, t 16, f 20+11+11+15301602116+8, +5, +4+20 (3)+16 (2)2 any, 1 social
1328, t 16, f 21+12+12+16311802116+9, +6, +4+21 (3)+17 (2)2 any, 1 social
1429, t 17, f 21+12+12+17322002216+9, +6, +4+23 (3)+18 (2)2 any, 1 social
1530, t 18, f 22+13+13+18342202316+10, +7, +5+25 (3)+20 (2)2 any, 1 social
1631, t 18, f 23+14+14+19352402417+11, +7, +5+27 (3)+22 (2)2 any, 1 social
1732, t 19, f 24+15+15+20362702417+11, +8, +5+29 (3)+23 (2)2 any, 1 social
1833, t 19, f 24+16+16+20373002517+12, +8, +6+31 (3)+25 (2)3 any, 1 social
1934, t 20, f 25+16+16+21383302618+13, +9, +6+33 (3)+27 (2)3 any, 1 social
2036, t 21, f 27+17+17+22403702719+13, +9, +6+35 (3)+28 (2)3 any, 1 social
2137, t 22, f 27+18+18+23414002719+14, +10, +7+37 (3)+30 (2)3 any, 1 social
2239, t 23, f 29+18+18+23434402820+14, +10, +7+39 (3)+32 (2)3 any, 1 social
2340, t 24, f 30+19+19+24444802921+15, +11, +7+41 (3)+33 (2)3 any, 1 social
2442, t 25, f 31+20+20+25465203022+15, +11, +8+43 (3)+35 (2)3 any, 1 social
2543, t 25, f 32+21+21+26485603022+16, +12, +8+45 (3)+37 (2)3 any, 1 social
2644, t 26, f 33+22+22+27496003123+16, +12, +8+47 (3)+38 (2)3 any, 1 social
2745, t 27, f 33+23+23+28506403224+17, +13, +9+49 (3)+40 (2)3 any, 1 social
2846, t 27, f 34+24+24+29516803325+17, +13, +9+51 (3)+42 (2)3 any, 1 social
2947, t 28, f 35+25+25+30527203426+18, +14, +10+53 (3)+43 (2)3 any, 1 social
3048, t 28, f 36+26+26+31537603527+18, +15, +10+55 (3)+45 (2)3 any, 1 social
Expert Attack Statistics
 Weapon AttacksNatural Attacks
CRHigh (Damage)Low (Damage)Two (Damage)Three (Damage)
1/2+1 (4)+0 (3)2 at –2 (4)1 at –2 (6), 2 at –7 (4)
1+2 (7)+1 (5)2 at –1 (4)1 at –1 (6), 2 at –6 (4)
2+4 (10)+3 (7)2 at +1 (6)1 at +1 (6), 2 at –4 (4)
3+6 (13)+4 (9)2 at +4 (7)1 at +4 (9), 2 at –1 (5)
4+8 (16)+6 (12)2 at +6 (8)1 at +6 (11), 2 at +1 (6)
5+10 (19)+7 (15)2 at +7 (10)1 at +7 (14), 2 at +2 (7)
6+12 (24)+8 (18)2 at +8 (13)1 at +8 (17), 2 at +3 (9)
7+13/+8 (20)+10/+5 (15)2 at +10 (15)1 at +10 (20), 2 at +5 (10)
8+15/+10 (23)+11/+6 (17)2 at +11 (18)1 at +11 (24), 2 at +6 (12)
9+17/+12 (26)+12/+7 (20)2 at +12 (20)1 at +12 (27), 2 at +7 (14)
10+18/+13 (30)+13/+8 (22)2 at +13 (23)1 at +13 (30), 2 at +8 (15)
11+19/+14 (33)+14/+9 (25)2 at +14 (25)1 at +14 (34), 2 at +9 (17)
12+21/+16 (36)+15/+10 (27)2 at +15 (28)1 at +15 (37), 2 at +10 (19)
13+22/+17 (39)+16/+11 (30)2 at +16 (30)1 at +16 (40), 2 at +11 (20)
14+23/+18/+13 (37)+17/+12/+7 (28)2 at +17 (33)1 at +17 (44), 2 at +12 (22)
15+24/+19/+14 (40)+18/+13/+8 (30)2 at +18 (35)1 at +18 (47), 2 at +13 (24)
16+26/+21/+16 (46)+19/+14/+9 (34)2 at +19 (40)1 at +19 (54), 2 at +14 (27)
17+27/+22/+17 (51)+20/+15/+10 (38)2 at +20 (45)1 at +20 (60), 2 at +15 (30)
18+28/+23/+18 (57)+21/+16/+11 (43)2 at +21 (50)1 at +21 (67), 2 at +16 (34)
19+29/+24/+19 (63)+22/+17/+12 (47)2 at +22 (55)1 at +22 (74), 2 at +17 (37)
20+30/+25/+20 (68)+23/+18/+13 (51)2 at +23 (60)1 at +23 (80), 2 at +18 (40)
21+31/+26/+21/+16 (69)+24/+19/+14/+9 (52)2 at +24 (65)1 at +24 (87), 2 at +19 (44)
22+32/+27/+22/+17 (75)+25/+20/+15/+10 (56)2 at +25 (70)1 at +25 (94), 2 at +20 (47)
23+33/+28/+23/+18 (80)+26/+21/+16/+11 (60)2 at +26 (75)1 at +26 (100), 2 at +21 (50)
24+35/+30/+25/+20 (88)+27/+22/+17/+12 (66)2 at +27 (83)1 at +27 (110), 2 at +22 (55)
25+36/+31/+26/+21 (96)+28/+23/+18/+13 (72)2 at +28 (90)1 at +28 (120), 2 at +23 (60)
26+37/+32/+27/+22 (104)+29/+24/+19/+14 (77)2 at +29 (98)1 at +29 (130), 2 at +24 (65)
27+38/+33/+28/+23(112)+30/+25/+20/+15 (83)2 at +30 (105)1 at +30 (140), 2 at +25 (70)
28+39/+34/+29/+24 (120)+31/+26/+21/+16 (88)2 at +31 (113)1 at +31 (150), 2 at +26 (75)
29+40/+35/+30/+25 (128)+32/+27/+22/+17 (93)2 at +32 (120)1 at +32 (160), 2 at +27 (80)
30+41/+36/+31/+26 (136)+33/+28/+23/+18 (99)2 at +33 (128)1 at +33 (170), 2 at +28 (85)

Spellcaster Array

With a large selection of spells, a spellcaster might be weak in combat, or could focus on powerful offensive spells. A spellcaster monster typically has a high spellcasting ability modifier: Intelligence, Wisdom, or (often for monstrous creatures) Charisma. Spells make up for the spellcaster's weak combat abilities, modest skills, and small number of monster options.

Well-known spellcasters include couatls, liches, nymphs, and rakshasas.

Specific Rules: Every monster with the spellcaster array automatically gains spells, as described under Step 6: Spells. A spellcaster can treat its spell choices as either spells or spell-like abilities, depending on its theme.

Spellcaster Themes

The following themes include recommended spell lists for common spellcaster paths.

Cultist: A worshiper of dark forces, the cultist is a true fanatic. Ability modifiers—Wisdom and Charisma; skillsKnowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), Spellcraft; combat options—poison, rage; magic options—bestow major condition, bestow minor condition, bestow moderate condition, misfortune; social option—weakening presence; spell lists—aberrant, abyssal, chaos, death, destruction, evil, infernal, madness, necromancy.

Lorekeeper: Through study of ancient texts, the lorekeeper wields the fundamental principles of magic. Ability modifiers—Intelligence; skills—Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (planes), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device; magic options—at-will magic, energy explosion, magical aptitude, metamagic spell, spell penetration; social option—knowledgeable; spell lists—abjuration, arcane, divination, knowledge, magic, transmutation.

Naturalist: In awe of the majesty of the wilderness, the naturalist calls on powers of the plant and animal world. Ability modifiers—Wisdom and Charisma; skillsHandle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Spellcraft, Survival; combat options—mounted master, poison; magic options—bestow major condition, bestow minor condition, bestow moderate condition; social option—animal talker; universal option—terrain stride (undergrowth); spell lists—animal, earth, nature, plant, weather.

Righteous One: Fighting for the cause of good or order, the righteous one can't be swayed from its purpose. Ability modifiers—Wisdom and Charisma; skillsHeal, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Spellcraft; combat option—extra armor; magic options—fortune, protective ward, turn undead; social option—weakening presence; spell lists—celestial, community, glory, healing, law, protection.

Trickster: Never to be trusted, the trickster casts spells to warp the senses and fool the mind. Ability modifiers—Intelligence and Charisma; skillsBluff, Knowledge (arcana), Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft; combat option—sneak attack; magic options—evil eye, misfortune; social options—persuasive, slippery mind; spell lists—chaos, charm, enchantment, illusion, stealth, trickery.

War Mage: Armed to the teeth with offensive spells, the war mage never met a problem it couldn't blow up. Ability modifiers—Intelligence and Charisma; skillsKnowledge (arcana), Spellcraft; combat options—energy resistance, improved initiative; magic options—combat casting, magic attack, spell penetration; spell lists—battle, evocation, strength, war.

Spellcaster Classes

If your monster is meant to act as though it has a character class, it gains a class graft. The following class grafts require the monster to use the spellcaster array: cleric, druid, oracle, sorcerer, summoner, witch, and wizard. A summoner's eidolon is a separate monster, typically created using the combatant array.

Spellcaster Main Statistics
  Saving Throws   Ability
1/29, t 8, f 8+0+0+3991113+3, +2, +1+8 (2)+5 (1)1 magic
110, t 8, f 8+1+1+410131214+3, +2, +1+9 (2)+6 (1)1 magic
212, t 8, f 8+1+1+512181315+3, +2, +1+10 (2)+7 (1)1 magic
313, t 8, f 8+2+2+614271415+4, +2, +1+11 (2)+8 (1)1 magic, 1 any
415, t 8, f 11+3+3+716361516+4, +3, +1+12 (2)+9 (1)1 magic, 1 any
516, t 8, f 12+4+4+817491516+5, +3, +2+13 (2)+10 (1)1 magic, 1 any
617, t 8, f 12+5+5+919631616+5, +3, +2+14 (2)+11 (1)1 magic, 1 any
718, t 8, f 13+6+6+1020761716+6, +4, +2+15 (2)+12 (1)1 magic, 1 any
819, t 11, f 14+7+7+1122901817+6, +4, +2+16 (2)+13 (1)1 magic, 1 any
921, t 12, f 15+8+8+12241031817+7, +4, +3+17 (2)+14 (1)1 magic, 1 any
1022, t 13, f 16+9+9+13251171917+7, +5, +3+18 (2)+14 (1)1 magic, 1 any
1123, t 13, f 17+10+10+14261302017+8, +5, +3+19 (2)+15 (1)1 magic, 1 any
1225, t 15, f 18+11+11+15281442118+8, +5, +4+20 (2)+16 (1)2 magic, 1 any
1326, t 15, f 19+12+12+16291622118+9, +6, +4+21 (2)+17 (1)2 magic, 1 any
1427, t 16, f 20+12+12+17301802218+9, +6, +4+23 (2)+18 (1)2 magic, 1 any
1528, t 16, f 21+13+13+18321982318+10, +7, +5+25 (2)+20 (1)2 magic, 1 any
1629, t 17, f 21+14+14+19332162419+11, +7, +5+27 (2)+22 (1)2 magic, 1 any
1730, t 18, f 22+15+15+20342432419+11, +8, +5+29 (2)+23 (1)2 magic, 1 any
1831, t 18, f 23+16+16+20352702519+12, +8, +6+31 (2)+25 (1)3 magic, 1 any
1932, t 19, f 24+16+16+21362972620+13, +9, +6+33 (2)+27 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2034, t 20, f 25+17+17+22383332721+13, +9, +6+35 (2)+28 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2135, t 21, f 26+18+18+23393602721+14, +10, +7+37 (2)+30 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2237, t 22, f 27+18+18+23413962822+14, +10, +7+39 (2)+32 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2338, t 22, f 28+19+19+24424322923+15, +11, +7+41 (2)+33 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2440, t 24, f 30+20+20+25444683024+15, +11, +8+43 (2)+35 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2541, t 24, f 30+21+21+26465043024+16, +12, +8+45 (2)+37 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2642, t 25, f 31+22+22+27475403125+16, +12, +8+47 (2)+38 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2743, t 25, f 32+23+23+28485763226+17, +13, +9+49 (2)+40 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2844, t 26, f 33+24+24+29496123327+17, +13, +9+51 (2)+42 (1)3 magic, 1 any
2945, t 27, f 33+25+25+30506483428+18, +14, +10+53 (2)+43 (1)3 magic, 1 any
3046, t 27, f 34+26+26+31516843529+18, +15, +10+55 (2)+45 (1)3 magic, 1 any
Spellcaster Attack Statistics
 Weapon AttacksNatural Attacks
CRHigh (Damage)Low (Damage)Two (Damage)Three (Damage)
1/2+1 (4)+0 (3)2 at –2 (4)1 at –2 (6), 2 at –7 (4)
1+2 (6)+1 (5)2 at –1 (4)1 at –1 (6), 2 at –6 (4)
2+4 (9)+3 (6)2 at +1 (6)1 at +1 (6), 2 at –4 (4)
3+6 (12)+4 (8)2 at +2 (6)1 at +2 (8), 2 at –3 (4)
4+8 (14)+6 (11)2 at +6 (8)1 at +6 (10), 2 at +1 (5)
5+10 (18)+7 (13)2 at +7 (9)1 at +7 (12), 2 at +2 (6)
6+12 (22)+8 (16)2 at +8 (12)1 at +8 (15), 2 at +3 (8)
7+13/+8 (18)+10/+5 (13)2 at +10 (14)1 at +10 (18), 2 at +5 (9)
8+15/+10 (21)+11/+6 (16)2 at +11 (16)1 at +11 (21), 2 at +6 (11)
9+17/+12 (24)+12/+7 (18)2 at +12 (18)1 at +12 (24), 2 at +7 (12)
10+18/+13 (27)+13/+8 (20)2 at +13 (21)1 at +13 (27), 2 at +8 (14)
11+19/+14 (30)+14/+9 (22)2 at +14 (23)1 at +14 (30), 2 at +9 (15)
12+21/+16 (33)+15/+10 (24)2 at +15 (25)1 at +15 (33), 2 at +10 (17)
13+22/+17 (36)+16/+11 (27)2 at +16 (27)1 at +16 (36), 2 at +11 (18)
14+23/+18/+13 (34)+17/+12/+7 (25)2 at +17 (30)1 at +17 (39), 2 at +12 (20)
15+24/+19/+14 (36)+18/+13/+8 (27)2 at +18 (32)1 at +18 (42), 2 at +13 (21)
16+26/+21/+16 (41)+19/+14/+9 (31)2 at +19 (36)1 at +19 (48), 2 at +14 (24)
17+27/+22/+17 (46)+20/+15/+10 (35)2 at +20 (41)1 at +20 (54), 2 at +15 (27)
18+28/+23/+18 (51)+21/+16/+11 (39)2 at +21 (45)1 at +21 (60), 2 at +16 (30)
19+29/+24/+19 (56)+22/+17/+12 (42)2 at +22 (50)1 at +22 (66), 2 at +17 (33)
20+30/+25/+20 (61)+23/+18/+13 (46)2 at +23 (54)1 at +23 (72), 2 at +18 (36)
21+31/+26/+21/+16 (63)+24/+19/+14/+9 (47)2 at +24 (59)1 at +24 (78), 2 at +19 (39)
22+32/+27/+22/+17 (67)+25/+20/+15/+10 (51)2 at +25 (63)1 at +25 (84), 2 at +20 (42)
23+33/+28/+23/+18 (72)+26/+21/+16/+11 (54)2 at +26 (68)1 at +26 (90), 2 at +21 (45)
24+35/+30/+25/+20 (79)+27/+22/+17/+12 (60)2 at +27 (75)1 at +27 (99), 2 at +22 (50)
25+36/+31/+26/+21 (86)+28/+23/+18/+13 (65)2 at +28 (81)1 at +28 (108), 2 at +23 (54)
26+37/+32/+27/+22 (94)+29/+24/+19/+14 (70)2 at +29 (88)1 at +29 (117), 2 at +24 (59)
27+38/+33/+28/+23 (101)+30/+25/+20/+15 (74)2 at +30 (95)1 at +30 (126), 2 at +25 (63)
28+39/+34/+29/+24 (108)+31/+26/+21/+16 (79)2 at +31 (102)1 at +31 (135), 2 at +26 (68)
29+40/+35/+30/+25 (115)+32/+27/+22/+17 (84)2 at +32 (108)1 at +32 (144), 2 at +27 (72)
30+41/+36/+31/+26 (122)+33/+28/+23/+18 (89)2 at +33 (115)1 at +33 (153), 2 at +28 (77)