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Cutpurse CR 1/2
XP 200
Human Rogue 1
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +3
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will –1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee short sword +3 (1d6+2/19–20)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4+2/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Before Combat The rogue hides so he can use sneak attack.
During Combat The rogue continues to engage his initial opponent in melee, or throws acid if all his opponents are at range.
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +6, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7, Swim +6
Languages Common
SQ trapfinding +1
Combat Gearpotion of cure light wounds, acid (2), smokestick, tanglefoot bag; Other Gear masterwork studded leather, daggers (5), short sword, thieves' tools, 25 gp
The cutpurse is a dirty sneak who uses surprise and stealth to rob unsuspecting victims.
A young tough trying to make a name for himself, Avem prefers robbery and burglary to outright murder—but isn't afraid to kill.
Combat Encounters: Avem might target a solitary PC in a dangerous part of town, or may be the leader of a gang of unskilled thugs.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Avem is skilled at many kinds of theft, and can be hired to commit petty larceny or create a distraction at reasonable rates.
Skulking Brute CR 1
XP 400
Half-orc rogue 2
CE Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 19 (2d8+7)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Defensive Abilities evasion, orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk greataxe +5 (1d12+4/3)
Ranged shortspear +3 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
During Combat The rogue charges at the nearest foe.
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +6, Intimidate +7, Perception +6, Ride +2, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +5
Languages Common, Orc
SQ orc blood, rogue talents (bleeding attack +1), trapfinding +1, weapon familiarity
Combat Gearpotions of cure light wounds (2), potion of disguise self, potion of divine favor, potion of feather fall, potion of hide from undead; Other Gear chain shirt, masterwork greataxe, shortspear, 59 gp
The skulking brute extorts illegal tolls from travelers, attacking those who refuse to pay.
Blarta is a bully, and prefers intimidation to fighting, since it requires less work from him.
Combat Encounters: Blarta might harass the PCs on the road or scout for bandits.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Blarta sees a lot of people on the road, and may know things of interest to the PCs. For the right price, he might even be persuaded to join them, though he's unreliable at best.
Skilled Sniper CR 2
XP 600
Half-elf rogue 3
CN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 23 (3d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1; Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +3 (1d6+1/18–20)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +6 (1d8+1/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Before Combat The rogue picks a perch that's hard to reach and waits for targets to come into range.
During Combat The rogue uses her sleep arrow against ranged attackers or anyone she needs to keep alive.
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +7, Disguise +5, Escape Artist +9, Perception +11, Perform (wind) +5, Ride +6, Stealth +9, Survival +3, Swim +7
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
SQ elf blood, rogue talents (surprise attack), trapfinding +1
Combat Gearoil of magic weapon (2), potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of invisibility, sleep arrow; Other Gear masterwork studded leather, masterwork composite longbow with 20 arrows, rapier, 73 gp
The skilled sniper waits for the perfect opportunity to strike.
Diata specializes in capturing live targets, such as exotic animals or escaped criminals. She doesn't care what she hunts, captures, or kills as long as she's paid on time.
Combat Encounters: Diata may be hired to capture PCs or their animal companions.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Diata avoids dungeons, but can be hired as a scout or sniper in an outdoor fight.
Charlatan CR 3
XP 800
Human rogue 4
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +8
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 21 (4d8)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +3 (1d6–1/18–20)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Rogue Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th, concentration +5)
2/day—disguise self
Before Combat Using Bluff or Disguise, the rogue avoids combat.
During Combat The rogue uses Improved Feint to make sneak attacks while trying to escape.
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Improved Feint
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +11, Disable Device +9, Disguise +13, Heal +3, Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +8, Perform (sing) +9, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +11
Languages Common, Elven
SQ rogue talents (major magic, minor magic), trapfinding +2
Combat Gearpotion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of bless, scroll of burning hands, scroll of cure light wounds, scroll of magic missile, alchemist's fire (2), holy water, thunderstone; Other Gear+1 studded leather, light crossbow with 10 bolts, masterwork rapier, disguise kit, everburning torch, healer's kit, thieves' tools, wizard's spellbook, wooden holy symbol, 129 gp
Using tricks, the charlatan imitates a mage, a priest, or an official.
Quick-witted Ezekari cons people by pretending she's a spellcaster, picking up useful information in the process.
Guild Initiate CR 4
XP 1,200
Halfling rogue 5
LE Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +8; Senses Perception +9
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 41 (5d8+15)
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Speed 20 ft.
Melee+1 short sword +9 (1d4+1/19–20)
Ranged mwk hand crossbow +9 (1d3/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +3d6
During Combat The rogue uses surprise and flanking to make sneak attacks, as well as his slow reactions rogue talent.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +14 (+10 when jumping), Bluff +10, Climb +10, Disable Device +14, Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +9, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +16
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ rogue talents (finesse rogue, slow reactions), trapfinding +2
Combat Gearpotions of cure light wounds (2), potion of invisibility; Other Gear masterwork studded leather, +1 short sword, masterwork hand crossbow with 20 bolts, masterwork thieves' tools, tindertwig (5), 60 gp
The guild initiate is a rogue who is still seeking to prove his worth to a thieves' guild.
Felix is an accomplished burglar who always chews on a tindertwig for luck.
Combat Encounters: Felix might be part of a team of young footpads or a lookout for a larger job.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Felix is a good contact within a thieves' guild.
Cave Stalker CR 5
XP 1,600
Dwarf rogue 6
LN Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +11
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 54 (6d8+24)
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants), evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk short sword +6 (1d6+1/19–20)
Ranged+1 light crossbow +9 (1d8+1/19–20)
Special Attacks +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids, sneak attack +3d6
Before Combat The rogue prefers to find an elevated spot so she can shoot opponents while they waste time climbing to her.
During Combat The rogue uses Rapid Shot, making the most of Point Blank Shot and her darkvision.
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 18 (22 vs. bull rush or trip)
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (light crossbow)
Skills Acrobatics +12 (+8 when jumping), Climb +12, Escape Artist +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Perception +11 (+13 to notice unusual stonework), Stealth +12,
Survival +8, Swim +10
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ rogue talents (combat trick, resiliency, weapon training), trapfinding +3
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, potions of spider climb (2), alchemist's fire (2); Other Gear+1 studded leather, +1 light crossbow with 20 bolts, masterwork short sword, climber's kit, 308 gp
The cave stalker is an experienced spelunker and treasure hunter.
Galeth is dour, even for a dwarf, and rarely speaks unless questioned.
Combat Encounters: Galeth might be a solitary hunter, the lead member of an underground army, or part of a unit of guards wielding crossbows.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Galeth could be discovered barely alive, stuck in a dungeon trap.
Freelance Thief CR 6
XP 2,400
Human rogue 7
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +10
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 42 (7d8+7)
Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +3
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 rapier +10 (1d6+3/18–20)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +10 (1d8/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +4d6
During Combat The rogue uses Spring Attack and Combat Expertise.
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 22
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +14, Bluff +9, Climb +12, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +14, Disguise +9, Knowledge (local) +11, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +14, Stealth +14
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +4, fast stealth, stand up), trapfinding +3
Combat Gearpotion of cure moderate wounds, potion of invisibility, tanglefoot bag; Other Gear+1 studded leather, +1 rapier, masterwork light crossbow with 20 bolts, cloak of resistance +1, thieves' tools, 489 gp
The freelance thief sells his loyalty for gold.
Hal is an arrogant but skilled thief whose nickname comes from his habit of juggling gold coins. Many guilds have a price on his head.
Combat Encounters: Hal might be found while rigging an accident, stealing, or planting evidence.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Because he's willing to work for anyone, Hal might end up on the same side as the PCs.
Trapsmith CR 7
XP 3,200
Gnome rogue 8
NE Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14
AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size)
hp 63 (8d8+24)
Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +4; +2 vs. illusions
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants), evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +7/+2 (1d3–1/19–20)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +11 (1d6/19–20)
Special Attacks +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and reptilian humanoids, sneak attack +4d6
During Combat The rogue uses her crossbow to make direct attacks.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +4; CMD 19
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Craft [traps])
Skills Acrobatics +14 (+10 when jumping), Bluff +11, Climb +10, Craft (traps) +20, Disable Device +19, Escape Artist +14, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +13, Knowledge (engineering) +10, Perception +14, Stealth +18, Use Magic Device +11
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ rogue talents (ledge walker, quick disable, resiliency, trap spotter), trapfinding +4
Combat Gearpotion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of knock, wand of detect magic (20 charges); Other Gear mwk studded leather, mwk dagger, mwk light crossbow with 10 bolts, cloak of resistance +1, goggles of minute seeing, ring of protection +1, mwk artisan's tools, thieves' tools, 577 gp
This rogue excels at building, setting, and bypassing traps.
Deadly Spy CR 8
XP 4,800
Elf rogue 9
CN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +13
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 53 (9d8+9)
Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +3; Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 rapier +11/+6 (1d6+1/18–20)
Ranged dagger +10/+5 (1d4/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +5d6
Before Combat The rogue understands that fighting and killing raises too many questions, and thus uses Diplomacy and Bluff to avoid combat and maintain his cover if at all possible.
During Combat The rogue prefers to use sneak attacks and disarm combat maneuvers against his opponents, and flees if he can get away safely. If any who are present can identify him as a spy—or if their continued existence is against the interests of his shadowy paymasters—he strikes to kill.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+14 disarm); CMD 20 (22 vs. disarm)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +16, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +14, Disable Device +16, Disguise +16, Escape Artist +16, Knowledge (local) +14, Perception +13, Sense Motive +11, Sleight of Hand +16, Stealth +16
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven
SQ elven magic, rogue talents (bleeding attack +5, finesse rogue, quick disable, surprise attack), trapfinding +4, weapon familiarity
Combat Gearpotion of cure moderate wounds, potion of invisibility, potion of tongues; Other Gear+2 studded leather, +1 rapier, hat of disguise, dagger, thieves' tools, 373 gp
The deadly spy is highly trained in the arts of diplomacy, mimicry, psychology, and assassination.
Kelethiros is a valuable and dangerous member of royal courts and secret societies, skilled at using subtle lies and disguises to turn enemies against each other. Using his talents—and a little help from his hat of disguise—he can infiltrate and spy upon any guild, government, or noble household. His only flaw is that he is easily distracted by an attractive face and strong, slender legs, and often has to extricate himself when confronted by hoodwinked lovers and enraged spouses.
Though able to move easily in most societies by virtue of his handsome face and disarming nature, Kelethiros is at heart a racist, and prefers to operate on behalf of elven interests against those of other races, particularly humans. He strongly resents the way that the shorter-lived races have expanded and achieved so much so quickly, and on those occasions when he allows his cover stories to slip, has often been heard to refer to the works of these other races as akin to "children playing at civilization." Of course, this general disdain for humanity doesn't keep him from taking human lovers while on his missions, and no doubt quite a few half-elves can trace their lineage to one of his false personas. His prejudice also makes it easier on those occasions when his missions or cover requires him to kill, as he tells himself with that killing humans and their ilk isn't really murder. After all, since they're going to die so soon anyway, he's only robbed them of a few decades at most—hardly anything for an elf to get upset about.
Combat Encounters: Kelethiros prefers to work behind the scenes, and avoids combat unless he's confident of winning. Instead, he uses disguise magic to turn the PCs' allies against them, to frame the PCs for an attack on someone, or to change his appearance just before the battle with the PCs begins so it looks like they have set upon some innocent person.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Like a doppelganger, Kelethiros could play many roles in a campaign, sometimes helping the PCs out with information, but just as often opposing or observing them.
Dancing Dervish CR 9
XP 6,400
Human rogue 10
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +12
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 68 (10d8+20)
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +2
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 keen rapier +13/+8 (1d6+3/15–20)
Ranged light crossbow +11 (1d8/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +5d6
Before Combat The rogue relishes combat, but often prefers to hide the full extent of his abilities until he's completely surrounded, the better to take his enemies by surprise and make use of Whirlwind Attack.
During Combat The rogue charges into combat, trying to get in the middle of as many enemies as possible before using Whirlwind Attack, laughing and singing prayers as he lays waste to his enemies.
Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 25
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier), Whirlwind Attack
Skills Acrobatics +17, Climb +15, Disable Device +19, Escape Artist +17, Intimidate +13, Perception +12, Perform (dance) +13, Sleight of Hand +17, Stealth +17, Swim +15
Languages Common, Elven
SQ rogue talents (combat trick, finesse rogue, opportunist, surprise attack, weapon training), trapfinding +5
Combat Gearpotion of blur, potion of cat's grace, alchemist's fire (2); Other Gear+1 studded leather, +1 keen rapier, light crossbow with 20 bolts, ring of protection +1, masterwork thieves' tools, 480 gp
The dancing dervish spins as a way to focus himself on achieving harmony with the gods.
Lesath is a troubled man who acutely feels the pain of separation from the divine, and only when he has a sword in hand do his dark thoughts stop. For him, the dance of the sword is a means of finding peace and spiritual tranquility. He dances several times per day (whether or not he is in combat) as a silent prayer ritual. Afterward, he meditates to focus his memory on the joy of the prayer, sometimes unconsciously speaking some truth he learned from this connection. Though he often springs into battle if a cause seems justified and in keeping with his god's will, the truth is that the fighting is more important to him than the reason for it.
Combat Encounters: Lesath might watch over a group of pilgrims and rebuff any attempts by the PCs to interfere or communicate, or he might guard a holy site and refuse to allow the PCs to trespass.
Roleplaying Suggestions: The PCs might discover Lesath surrounded by a ring of slain enemies, meditating and perhaps unknowingly speaking words of prophecy or divine truth. They might also find themselves saddled with the job of keeping him out of trouble.
Contract Killer CR 10
XP 9,600
Elf rogue 11
NE Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +17
AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +5 Dex)
hp 86 (11d8+33)
Fort +5, Ref +13, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +3; Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 rapier +15/+10 (1d6+3/15–20 plus poison)
Ranged mwk dagger +14/+9 (1d4+2/19–20 plus poison)
Special Attacks sneak attack +6d6
Before Combat The rogue applies blue whinnis poison to his rapier and dagger.
During Combat The rogue focuses on one target, using Power Attack, sneak attack, and the ongoing effects of his bleeding attack ability and blue whinnis poison to deal as much damage as possible in a short amount of time. If the target tries to flee, the contract killer uses Stand Still to prevent escape, or throws his poisoned dagger.
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 26
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (rapier), Power Attack, Stand Still, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Skills Acrobatics +19, Bluff +13, Climb +16, Disable Device +21, Disguise +13, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (local) +15, Perception +17, Stealth +19
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
SQ elven magic, rogue talents (bleeding attack +6, combat trick, crippling strike, fast stealth, surprise attack), trapfinding +5, weapon familiarity
Combat Gearelixir of hiding, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of invisibility, antitoxin, blue whinnis poison (4); Other Gear+2 studded leather, +1 rapier, masterwork dagger, belt of incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, masterwork thieves' tools, sunrods (3), 617 gp
The contract killer uses stealth and poison to kill his latest target.
Mollarn is an old elf, and the only constant he has found over the centuries is that people are fragile and prone to unexpected injuries and death. Having lost countless friends in his lifetime, he has given up on forming anything but the most casual attachments to others, and has transformed himself into an agent of death. Killing gives him no sense of satisfaction or pleasure—it is simply as common and routine as breathing. If he must kill others to reach his intended target, he does so without remorse or guilt.
Combat Encounters: Mollarn might arrive to murder one of the PCs or someone known to them. A victim could merely be an obstacle in Mollarn's path to his true target, and getting the person out of the way is enough to get Mollarn to proceed toward his intended foe.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Utterly without scruples, Mollarn might work for the PCs as an assassin. If he has been double-crossed by an employer, he might ask the PCs to help him get revenge, especially if the PCs dislike the one who betrayed him.
Dilettante CR 11
XP 12,800
Human rogue 12
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +20
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 57 (12d8)
Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +7
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 frost dagger +12/+7 (1d4/19–20 plus 1d6 cold)
Ranged dagger +11 (1d4–1/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +6d6
Rogue Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th, concentration +16)
2/day—comprehend languages
Before Combat The rogue uses his wand of mage armor.
During Combat If forced to fight, the rogue uses the disarm combat maneuver against his opponent's weapon to defuse the situation.
Base Statistics Without mage armor, the rogue's statistics are AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11.
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 17
Base Atk +9; CMB +8; CMD 22
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Dodge, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +22, Diplomacy +18, Disable Device +19, Disguise +22, Knowledge (local) +19, Knowledge (nobility, religion) +16, Perception +20, Perform (dance, sing) +18, Sense Motive +20, Stealth +17, Use Magic Device +18
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
SQ rogue talents (improved evasion, major magic, minor magic, quick disable, slippery mind, trap spotter), trapfinding +6
Combat Gearpotions of glibness (2), scrolls of tongues (2), wand of mage armor (20 charges); Other Gear+1 frost dagger, dagger, cloak of resistance +2, headband of alluring charisma +2, ring of protection +1, disguise kit, masterwork thieves' tools, jewelry (worth 200 gp), 696 gp
The dilettante developed magical abilities, but eventually decided to avoid both the arcane and divine paths.
Neberton could have been a spellcaster, but felt it required too much work. Instead, he uses his natural talents for trickery and altering his appearance to acquire money and shelter—and get company for his bed. He isn't malicious, but feels no remorse for conning the rich and gullible.
Combat Encounters: Neberton avoids combat if at all possible. A duped ally might turn on him, a spurned lover may send a champion (such as a PC) to duel him, or he could whip a crowd of "believers" into a mob intent on protecting their "savior."
Roleplaying Suggestions: Neberton's talents make him a good "face" for a group of PCs lacking adequate diplomacy. His many schemes in various cities give him valuable information on high and low society, including the means to infiltrate exclusive parties or find the secret ins and outs of castles and mansions.
Guildmaster CR 12
XP 19,200
Dwarf rogue 13
LE Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +1 shield)
hp 114 (13d8+52)
Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +9; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants), improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +4
Speed 20 ft.
Melee+1 short sword +12/+7 (1d6+1/17–20), +1 short sword +12/+7 (1d6+1/17–20) or
+1 short sword +14/+9 (1d6+1/17–20)
Ranged dagger +13/+8 (1d4/19–20)
Special Attacks +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids, sneak attack +7d6
Rogue Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th, concentration +14)
3/day—detect magic
During Combat The rogue uses flanking and sneak attacks as often as possible. He relies on his resiliency and defensive roll rogue talents to stay alive against dangerous opponents.
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 25 (29 vs. bull rush or trip)
Feats Dodge, Improved Critical (short sword), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +20 (+16 when jumping), Bluff +17, Climb +8, Disable Device +19, Disguise +9, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (local) +14, Perception +18 (+20 to notice unusual stonework), Sense Motive +18, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +20, Swim +8, Use Magic Device +9
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +7, combat trick, defensive roll, improved evasion, minor magic, resiliency), trapfinding +6
Combat Gearpotion of cure serious wounds, potion of invisibility, antitoxin (2); Other Gear+2 studded leather, +1 short swords (2), daggers (4), amulet of natural armor +1, belt of physical might +2 (Dex, Con), cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, masterwork thieves' tools, 2,047 gp
The guildmaster manipulates crime and politics—often the same thing—to create wealth and stability for himself and his devoted thieves.
Olenjack worked his way up through the ranks of the guild he now runs with a patient but firm hand. He has always been unusually tall for a dwarf, and frequently jokes that he's used magic to make himself even taller. He is patient and deliberate, able to keep multiple schemes and long-term plans in mind simultaneously, and never forgets (or lets his acolytes forget) that as his dwarven lifespan is longer than that of his human enemies. He's often able to plan for the future, remain patient, and let his more brash enemies walk directly into the traps he's laid for them. His nickname refers to his habit of taking swift, decisive action after quiet planning, executing his will in one stroke. Yet despite his formidable nature, he's learned the value of spreading the wealth and not preying too heavily on locals. As a result, he remains a pillar of his community, highly respected even by those who suspect his criminal ties. Those living within his territory seek his advice and ask him for favors, most regarding him as a beneficent but firm grandfatherly figure without ever realizing his true hardhearted character.
Combat Encounters: Olenjack and his bodyguards might fight the PCs if a peaceful meeting goes terribly wrong, if the PCs betray him and he wants to personally teach them a lesson, or if they threaten the livelihood of his guild and have already proven themselves capable of overpowering his minions.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Given Olenjack's ties to the community, the PCs may interact with him in a king's court, at a meeting of mercantile guildmasters, or among the patrons of high society.
Chain Mauler CR 13
XP 25,600
Human rogue 14
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +10; Senses Perception +16
AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 108 (14d8+42)
Fort +6, Ref +16, Will +4
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+2 vicious spiked chain +19/+14 (2d4+5/19–20 plus 2d6)
Special Attacks sneak attack +7d6
During Combat The rogue uses trip and disarm combat maneuvers to hinder opponents before finishing them off with damaging attacks.
Str 14, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +10; CMB +12 (+16 disarm or trip); CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm or trip)
Feats Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Greater Disarm, Greater Trip, Improved Critical (spiked chain), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (spiked chain)
Skills Acrobatics +23, Climb +19, Disable Device +23, Escape Artist +23, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +16, Sleight of Hand +23, Stealth +23, Survival +13, Swim +19
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +7, feat, finesse rogue, improved evasion, opportunist, stand up, weapon training), trapfinding +7
Combat Gearpotions of cure serious wounds (3), potions of haste (2); Other Gear+1 studded leather, +2 vicious spiked chain, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of incredible dexterity +2, brooch of shielding, cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1, thieves' tools, 1,020 gp
The chain mauler is a vicious sadist whose weapon allows her the bloodiest satisfaction.
Peletha's dark career as a torturer began as a child, when she collected live insects and pinned them to her wall with needles and nails. Soon she moved on to larger, bloodier animals, and started beating the children in her neighborhood at random. Taken in by a cult of the god of pain, she spent her teenage years as the "pet" of the high priest, learning to understand new heights of pain and how to inflict it upon others. Though she appreciates the delicacies of torture, she prefers more direct methods—namely, beating her victims with her magical spiked chain.
Combat Encounters: Peletha might hunt the PCs of her own volition, or pursue them on orders from her cultist masters. She could be encountered roaming the city or patrolling her cult's secret lair.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Peletha may allow herself to be shackled and used as bait for the PCs, pretending to be an innocent victim of the church of torturers. However, she is not good at lying or interacting with people in socially acceptable ways, and her true personality and role soon become obvious.
Unseen Archer CR 14
XP 38,400
Half-elf rogue 15
NE Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +21
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 101 (15d8+30)
Fort +7, Ref +16, Will +7; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +14/+9/+4 (1d6+2/18–20)
Ranged+1 shock composite longbow +19/+14/+9 (1d8+3/×3 plus 1d6 electricity)
Special Attacks sneak attack +8d6
Before Combat The rogue uses his ring of invisibility and finds a hiding place from which he can ambush the PCs.
During Combat The rogue uses Manyshot and Rapid Shot against his foes. If discovered, he uses his ring of invisibility again and changes location.
Str 14, Dex 22, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +11; CMB +13; CMD 31
Feats Dodge, Improved Precise Shot, Manyshot, Mobility, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (composite longbow)
Skills Acrobatics +24, Climb +20, Disguise +17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +15, Perception +21, Ride +21, Stealth +30, Swim +10
Languages Common, Elven
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +8, defensive roll, fast stealth, improved evasion, rogue crawl, slippery mind, weapon training), trapfinding +7, elf blood
Combat Gear+1 human-bane arrows (5), +1 magical beast-bane arrows (5), silversheen (2); Other Gear+2 studded leather, +1 shock composite longbow (+2 Str) with 50 arrows, masterwork rapier, belt of incredible dexterity +2, cloak of resistance +1, efficient quiver, ring of invisibility, ring of protection +1, disguise kit, sunrods (4), 1,587 gp
The unseen archer strikes from concealment, planning for his target to die before it has a chance to see him.
Roscolian is a mercenary sniper, willing to work alone or as part of a team as long as he gets to fight at a safe distance, shooting at creatures that don't know he's there. He doesn't care whether it's unfair or unsportsmanlike; he'd rather be a coward with a hundred kills than a hero with a sword in his neck. He relies on his ring of invisibility to keep him out of trouble, and isn't averse to abandoning his companions and fleeing invisibly if a battle goes wrong. He doesn't particularly like dungeons because he feels the narrow tunnels don't allow enough space between him and his targets.
Combat Encounters: When invisible, Roscolian can attack from anywhere, surprising unsuspecting PCs with a hail of deadly arrows and staying hidden until he can activate his ring again. Since he works best at a distance, he prefers situations where he can kill a target and then move before he is discovered.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Roscolian doesn't brag about what he does, and the PCs might think he is just a humble, local scout or archer. He'll work for almost anyone, so the PCs may be able to hire him—though only on his terms.
Mage Slayer CR 15
XP 51,200
Half-orc rogue 16
NE Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 123 (16d8+48)
Fort +12, Ref +19, Will +13
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, orc ferocity, trap sense +5
Speed 30 ft.
Meleesword of subtlety +18/+13/+8 (1d6+5/17–20)
Ranged mwk dagger +17 (1d4+4/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +8d6
Rogue Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th, concentration +16)
3/day—detect magic
Before Combat The rogue drinks a potion of resist energy if he expects his target to use energy attacks and uses shield on himself.
During Combat The rogue uses Sickening Critical or Intimidate to hinder opponents so he can use Shatter Defenses to sneak attack them. If the opponent has magical protections, the rogue uses the dispelling attack rogue talent to break those defenses.
Str 18, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +12; CMB +16; CMD 30
Feats Critical Focus, Dazzling Display, Improved Critical (short sword), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Shatter Defenses, Sickening Critical, Step Up, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (short sword)
Skills Acrobatics +23, Disable Device +25, Fly +20, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Perception +20, Spellcraft +16, Stealth +23
Languages Common
SQ orc blood, rogue talents (combat trick, dispelling attack [CL 16th], feat, improved evasion, major magic, minor magic, slippery mind, weapon training), trapfinding +8, weapon familiarity
Combat Gearpotions of cure serious wounds (2), potion of fly, potion of invisibility, potions of resist energy (acid, cold, fire); Other Gear+1 studded leather, sword of subtlety, masterwork dagger, belt of incredible dexterity +2, brooch of shielding, cloak of resistance +5, masterwork thieves' tools, 1,413 gp
The mage slayer is trained and equipped to murder arcane spellcasters. Each one has some minor magical training, either from a church or arcane study.
Skanrak was raised by a cult of religious zealots who believe arcane magic is a profane offense to the gods. He hates all arcane spellcasters with a passion, no matter what their class is, whether their magic is trained or natural, or toward what ends the magic is used. His hatred includes monsters that use arcane magic, such as nagas and dragons, and especially those that use magic to bypass the natural laws of death by becoming undead. He is very knowledgeable about arcane magic, recognizing signs of magic and quickly identifying a caster's class, bloodline, or favored school. He knows that a split-second hesitation could cost him his life, so he never makes witty chatter during a fight, instead going about his business with a grim and brutal efficiency.
Combat Encounters: Skanrak often works alone, targeting vulnerable individuals (like a solitary wizard crafting a magic item) who he can then isolate and attack. He might ally with priests of his cult, especially if they can ward him against hostile magic (such as with death ward, spell immunity, and spell resistance). He has no particular hatred for nonmagical creatures, but never gives more than one warning to stay out of his way, and frequently waives that warning if it's clear someone intends to stop him.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Skanrak may agree to a truce with a magic-wielding PC in exchange for help killing a dangerous opponent he cannot defeat alone, but the truce expires as soon as his objective is met.
Masked Lord CR 16
XP 76,800
Human rogue 17
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +15
AC 27, touch 19, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +3 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural)
hp 148 (17d8+68)
Fort +9, Ref +18, Will +9
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+1 shock rapier +19/+14/+9 (1d6+1/15–20 plus 1d6 electricity)
Ranged+1 shortbow +19/+14/+9 (1d6+1/x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +9d6
Before Combat The rogue prefers to work from the shadows, manipulating events and people to do his bidding. If combat is needed, he always attacks from surprise, when his foes least expect it.
During Combat The rogue prefers to move up, strike suddenly, withdraw before his foes can respond, and use his hat of disguise to change his appearance once he's out of sight. He relies on his rogue talents to protect him.
Str 10, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +12; CMB +12; CMD 32
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Feint, Improved Critical (rapier), Improved Feint, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +21, Climb +8, Diplomacy +21, Disable Device +23, Disguise +21, Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana, geography) +7, Knowledge (local) +22, Knowledge (nobility) +12, Perception +15, Perform (act) +8, Ride +11, Sense Motive +15, Sleight of Hand +14, Stealth +26, Use Magic Device +16
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +9, crippling strike, defensive roll, fast stealth, improved evasion, slippery mind, stand up, trap spotter), trapfinding +8
Combat Gearpotions of cure serious wounds (2), scroll of dimension door, scroll of heal, scrolls of invisibility (2); Other Gear+4 shadow studded leather, +1 shock rapier, +1 shortbow with 20 arrows, amulet of natural armor +1, bag of holding (type I),belt of incredible dexterity +4, cloak of resistance +2, hat of disguise, ring of protection +3, everburning torch, masterwork thieves' tools, 1,765 gp
The masked lord manipulates events from the shadows, using a thousand different names. He creates conspiracies and topples empires without anyone ever knowing his true identity.
Tadros is only comfortable when nobody knows he exists. His disguises have aliases and his aliases lead double lives. None of his contacts have any idea what he really looks like; they recognize him only by specific code words. In addition to taking on fictional identities, he pretends to be real people, creating no end of trouble.
Combat Encounters: In the unlikely event that the PCs face Tadros in direct combat, he almost certainly has an ace up his sleeve. The PCs may be fighting a simulacrum, or someone else disguised as one of Tadros's aliases, or (if he is desperate) his real self with a contingency plan to cover his resurrection.
Roleplaying Suggestions: With his connections, identities, and plans, Tadros can be almost anyone, even temporarily replacing one of the PCs for a period of time.
Dagger Master CR 17
XP 102,400
Halfling rogue 18
NE Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +5; Senses Perception +23
AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 22 (+6 armor, +2 deflection, +5 Dex, +2 natural, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 138 (18d8+54)
Fort +9, Ref +17, Will +7; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities 20% displacement, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +6
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 wounding dagger +19/+14/+9 (1d3+1/17–20 plus 1 bleed), +1 dagger +19/+14/+9 (1d3+1/17–20) or +1 wounding dagger +21/+16/+11 (1d3+1/17–20 plus 1 bleed)
Ranged mwk dagger +21/+16/+11 (1d3/17–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +9d6
During Combat The rogue uses his boots of speed and enters melee, trying to kill one opponent as quickly as possible before moving to another. In ranged combat, he uses Quick Draw to draw and throw multiple daggers in 1 round.
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +13; CMB +12; CMD 29
Feats Combat Expertise, Critical Focus, Greater Feint, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical (dagger), Improved Feint, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger)
Skills Acrobatics +28 (+24 when jumping), Bluff +21, Climb +23, Diplomacy +12, Disable Device +28, Escape Artist +26, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (local) +14, Perception +23, Sleight of Hand +26, Stealth +30, Swim +12
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +9, combat trick, crippling strike, defensive roll, feat, finesse rogue, improved evasion, slow reactions, surprise attack), trapfinding +9
Gear+4 leather armor, +1 dagger, +1 wounding dagger, daggers (4), masterwork daggers (4), amulet of natural armor +2, boots of speed, cloak of minor displacement, dust of appearance, ring of protection +2, salve of slipperiness, masterwork thieves' tools, 1,770 gp
The dagger master has perfected the technique of killing with a small blade.
Vink considers himself a champion of the halfling people, their greatest son and the one who defends the small folk against any larger creature that threatens them. Having experienced a fair share of mockery because of to his size, Vink's definition of threatening a halfling is very broad, including slight insults, roughhousing by larger races, and legal actions that limit halfling rights. Though he normally uses his blades against tyrants and rampaging monsters, he's been known to obliterate entire caravans of slavers, murder government officials who demean halflings or treat them as second-class citizens, and assassinate bards or actors who perform plays that treat halflings as subjects of ridicule.
Combat Encounters: Vink might attack the PCs for something he considers a slight, or work with any group he thinks advances the cause of halflings. Expressing a sincere apology and offering a compensatory gift to a halfling community usually convinces him to back down without killing anyone.
Roleplaying Suggestions: The PCs might encounter Vink as an easily-insulted, hot-tempered bravo defending halfling honor, rights, or territory. If the PCs include a halfling or have acted on behalf of a halfling community in the past, he might attempt to befriend them or seek their aid for a dangerous plan.
Death Whisperer CR 18
XP 153,600
Human rogue 19
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +10; Senses Perception +23
AC 28, touch 18, flat-footed 22 (+6 armor, +2 deflection, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +2 shield)
hp 184 (19d8+95)
Fort +12, Ref +20, Will +12
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +6
Speed 30 ft.
Meleerapier of puncturing +23/+18/+13 (1d6+4/15–20 plus 1 bleed)
Ranged mwk dagger +21 (1d4+2/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +10d6
During Combat The rogue uses Spring Attack and Lightning Stance to reach opponents, and uses his rapier of puncturing to make sneak attacks.
Str 14, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +14; CMB +16; CMD 35
Feats Critical Focus, Dodge, Improved Critical (rapier), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Stance, Mobility, Spring Attack, Staggering Critical, Toughness, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier), Wind Stance
Skills Acrobatics +28, Bluff +21, Climb +24, Disable Device +39, Escape Artist +28, Perception +23, Sense Motive +23, Stealth +28, Swim +24
Languages Common
SQ rogue talents (bleeding attack +10, combat trick, defensive roll, feat, finesse rogue, improved evasion, rogue crawl, slippery mind, weapon training), trapfinding +9
Combat Gearpotions of cure serious wounds (2), potion of fly, potions of haste (2), potions of invisibility (3); Other Gear+3 shadow studded leather, rapier of puncturing, masterwork dagger, amulet of natural armor +2, belt of incredible dexterity +4, cloak of resistance +3, ring of force shield, ring of protection +2, masterwork dagger (4), masterwork rapier, masterwork thieves' tools, 3,977 gp
The death whisperer ends lives with a quiet sigh, freeing a last breath and a soul with one strike.
Wu Shen loves death as if it were an actual person. She speaks of death as "her lover" and never as "death" or any proper name, and listeners may mistakenly believe she is referring to a mortal person. She relishes every killing, seeing them as love notes of a sort. Death's affection is the most elusive prize, and each murder brings her a moment of hope that it will acknowledge her as its favorite. To challenge herself and prove her worthiness, she often sets specific criteria for her kills, such as death in exactly three hits, or from two different directions, or while holding a black rose in her off hand.
Combat Encounters: Wu Shen might select a PC to be the target of her latest challenge, attacking unexpectedly and retreating without saying a word if she fails to meet the self-imposed parameters of her challenge.
Roleplaying Suggestions: With her highly romanticized way of speaking about "her lover," Wu Shen might convince the PCs to help her with specific killings under the pretense of deeds of heroic chivalry. The PCs may persuade her to help them with battles that would pose a unique enough challenge to attract her lover's attention.
Blade Lord CR 19
XP 204,800
Elf rogue 20
NE Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +25
AC 30, touch 20, flat-footed 23 (+8 armor, +3 deflection, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +1 shield)
hp 173 (20d8+80)
Fort +10, Ref +20, Will +8; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +6; Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee+2 brilliant energy longsword +19/+14/+9 (1d8+5/19–20), +1 frost short sword +20/+15/+10 (1d6+4/19–20 plus 1d6 cold) or +2 brilliant energy longsword +21/+16/+11 (1d8+5/19–20) or +1 keen rapier +22/+17/+12 (1d6+4/15–20) or +1 frost short sword +22/+17/+12 (1d6+4/19–20 plus 1d6 cold)
Special Attacks master strike (DC 23), sneak attack +10d6
During Combat The rogue uses Whirlwind Attack if engaging multiple foes, otherwise focusing all attacks with her longsword against a target whose defenses the weapon easily ignores.
Str 16, Dex 23, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +15; CMB +18; CMD 38
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Disarm, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Disarm, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (longsword), Whirlwind Attack
Skills Acrobatics +29, Climb +26, Diplomacy +22, Disable Device +31, Disguise +22, Escape Artist +29, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (local) +26, Perception +25, Sense Motive +23, Stealth +29
SQ elven magic, rogue talents (bleeding attack +10, combat trick, crippling strike, fast stealth, feat, finesse rogue, improved evasion, slippery mind, surprise attack, weapon training), trapfinding +10, weapon familiarity
Combat Gearpotions of cure serious wounds (3), potions of heroism (2), potions of invisibility (3); Other Gear+4 chain shirt, +2 brilliant energy longsword, +1 frost short sword, +1 keen rapier, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of physical perfection +2, cloak of resistance +2, headband of vast intelligence +2, ring of protection +3, masterwork thieves' tools, 4,055 gp
The blade lord has attained mastery with swords by forsaking all other weapons.
Yalandara has spent her long elven life perfecting the use of longswords, short swords, and rapiers. She has not even touched another kind of weapon in more than a hundred years, as she feels such things are beneath her. If her survival depends on using something other than a sword, she does what she must, but vents her rage on those around her.
Combat Encounters: Yalandara knows she doesn't have to prove her skill, but likes to teach upstarts a lesson, and might duel a martial character for fun.
Roleplaying Suggestions: Yalandara respects others who uses swords with skill, and may aid them in tasks that don't inconvenience her. The PCs might encounter her practicing swordplay in some extreme environment chosen to test her balance and concentration.