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A single eye stares unblinking from an amorphous blob. A transparent pseudopod extends from the mass.
Hag Eye Ooze CR 3
XP 800
N Small ooze
Init -5; Senses blindsight 60 ft.; Perception -5
AC 6, touch 6, flat-footed 6 (-5 Dex, +1 size)
hp 38 (4d8+20)
Fort +6, Ref -4, Will -4
Immune acid, cold, ooze traits; Resist fire 5
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee slam +8 (1d6+6 plus paralysis)
Special Attacks paralysis (1d4 rounds, DC 17), spell channel
Str 18, Dex 1, Con 20, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 11 (can't be tripped)
Skills Climb +10
SQ suction, transparent
Environment temperate marshes or underground
Organization solitary
Treasure none
Special Abilities
Spell Channel (Su) A hag creator of a hag eye ooze can see through the ooze's embedded eye as if it were one of her own. This ability requires that the hag creator and the hag eye ooze be on the same plane in order to function. If the hag that created the hag eye ooze is part of a coven, the following spells have a 5% chance per caster level of operating through a hag eye ooze: detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detect magic, message, read magic, and tongues. A non-hag that controls a hag eye ooze can't cast spells through the ooze, nor can it see through the creature's eye.
Suction (Ex) A hag eye ooze can create a powerful suction against any surface it climbs, allowing it to cling to inverted surfaces with ease. It can establish or release suction as a swift action, and as long as it is using suction, it moves at half speed. Because of the suction, a hag eye ooze gains a +10 bonus to its CMD to resist bull rush attempts, Awesome Blow attempts, and other attacks and effects that attempt to physically move it from its location.
Transparent (Ex) A hag eye ooze is difficult to discern from its surroundings in most environments. A successful DC 20 Perception check is required to notice a hag eye ooze. Any creature that fails to notice it and walks into it automatically suffers damage as if struck by the hag eye ooze's slam attack.
Some hags create hag eye oozes to serve as scouts and spies, favoring them over humanoid servants due to the ease with which they can be controlled. With hag eye oozes' ability to blend in and climb nearly any surface, they are ideal for patrolling the hag's lair and territory. Hag eye oozes seem to be imbued with a sliver of caution, watching intruders from a distance and avoiding combat unless directed to attack. Once given a command, these creatures mindlessly pursue their goals.
Hag eye oozes can sometimes grow larger than 5 cubic feet, though most are smaller, taking up roughly half that space.
Creating a hag eye ooze requires a strange blend of cooking and dark rituals that takes 2 weeks. For each additional member of a coven involved in the process, the creation time is lessened by 2 days, to a minimum of 3 days. During this period, the creator must add various ingredients to a brewing cauldron. The hag must consult strange texts and foul recipes to assure proper creation. If she misses a step or poorly measures a reagent, the necessary arcane energies to create the hag eye ooze do not bind to the creature's nascent form. If successful, the hag then begins a 24-hour ritual, during which she must bombard the brewing cauldron with spells. This spellcasting ritual culminates in the addition of a hag's eye—preferably from the creator herself. If the ritual is successful, the hag eye ooze animates fully formed and able to serve as a minion. The hag eye ooze is under the control of its creator, but in cases where a coven takes part in creating the ooze, the hag that supplied the eye controls the creature.