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This humanoid is covered in shaggy fur and carries a heavy axe in one of his clawed hands.
Werebear (Human Form) CR 4
XP 1,200
Human natural werebear ranger 4
LG Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 34 (4d10+8)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk battleaxe +9 (1d8+4/×3)
Ranged mwk throwing axe +7 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (orcs +2)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +2)
1st—detect poison
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Endurance, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Run, Weapon Focus (battleaxe)
Skills Climb +8, Handle Animal +6, Heal +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +8, Stealth +7, Survival +8, Swim +8
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and grizzly bear; polymorph), favored terrain (forest +2), hunter's bond (companions), lycanthropic empathy (bears and dire bears), track +2
Environment any forests
Organization solitary, pair, family (3-6), or troupe (3-6 plus 1-4 black or grizzly bears)
Treasure NPC gear (chain shirt, masterwork battleaxe, 2 masterwork throwing axes, other treasure)
Werebear (Hybrid Form)
XP 1,200
Human natural werebear ranger 4
LG Large humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
hp 46 (4d10+20)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
DR 10/silver
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk battleaxe +10 (2d6+5/x3), bite +3 (1d8+2 plus curse of lycanthropy), claw +3 (1d6+2 plus grab)
Ranged mwk throwing axe +7 (1d6+5)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks favored enemy (orcs +2)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +2)
1st—detect poison
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +10 (+14 grapple); CMD 22
Feats Endurance, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Run, Weapon Focus (battleaxe)
Skills Climb +10, Handle Animal +6, Heal +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +8, Stealth +3, Survival +8, Swim +10
Languages Common
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and bear; polymorph), favored terrain (forest +2), hunter's bond (companions), lycanthropic empathy (bears and dire bears), track +2
In their humanoid forms, werebears tend to be muscular and broad-shouldered, with stark facial features and dark eyes. Their hair is usually red, brown, or black, and they look like they are used to a lifetime of hard work. Though by far the most benign of common lycanthropes, werebears are shunned by most normal folk, who fear and mistrust their animal transformations. Most live as recluses in forested areas or in small family units among their own kind. They avoid confrontations with strangers but do not hesitate to drive evil humanoids out of their territory.
Some werebears are angry and violent, because of either temperament or a lifetime of harassment from others, and these mean ones aren't afraid to put an axe in a trespasser's face or eat someone who pushes them too far. Cool-headed werebears don't like to speak of these individuals with strangers.
This potbellied creature has the body of a man and the head of a crazed boar. Large tusks jut from his upper jaw.
Wereboar (Human Form) CR 2
XP 600
Human natural wereboar barbarian 2
CN Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 12, touch 9, flat-footed 11 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, –2 rage)
hp 31 (2d12+13)
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +4
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge
Speed 40 ft.
Melee dagger +6 (1d4+4/19–20), bite +1 (1d4+4)
Ranged dagger +4 (1d4+4/19–20)
Special Attacks rage (8 rounds/day), rage powers (animal fury)
Str 19, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +7, Profession (farmer) +4
Languages Common
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and boar; polymorph), fast movement, lycanthropic empathy (boars and dire boars)
Environment any forests or plains
Organization solitary, pair, brood (3–8), or troupe (3–8 plus 1–4 boars)
Treasure NPC gear (studded leather armor, 2 daggers, other treasure)
Wereboar (Hybrid Form)
XP 600
Human natural wereboar barbarian 2
CN Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, +2 natural, –2 rage)
hp 30 (2d12+17)
Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +4
Defensive Abilities ferocity; uncanny dodge, DR 10/silver
Speed 40 ft.
Melee dagger +8 (1d4+6/19–20), bite +3 (1d4+3/curse of lycanthropy), gore +3 (1d8+3)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4+3/19–20)
Special Attacks rage (8 rounds/day), rage powers (animal fury)
Str 23, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +8; CMD 19
Feats Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +7, Profession (farmer) +4
Languages Common
SQ lycanthropic empathy (boars and dire boars), fast movement, change shape (human, hybrid, and boar; polymorph)
In their humanoid forms, wereboars tend to be stout with upturned noses, bristly hair, and a noticeable overbite. They usually have red, brown, or black hair, though a few are golden blond, pale blond, or even bald. Chin whiskers are common, but males often can't grow full beards. Because they can be stubborn and aggressive when riled up, wereboars usually live in their own communities rather than mixing with non-lycanthropes; a wereboar's farm or ranch doesn't look out of the ordinary. Wereboars tend to have large families with many children.
Many wereboars are known to have especially bad tempers, rivaling those of murderous werewolves, and even other lycanthropes tend to avoid them. This suits the wereboars fine, especially as some weretigers and werewolves have been known hunt young wereboars.
Note that the statistics presented here for wereboars assume that the creatures are in their barbarian rage—if the creatures are encountered at another time, simply adjust their statistics accordingly.
This humanoid tiger has striped fur and a muscular, lanky frame. Its feline face has sharp fangs and slitted eyes.
Weretiger (Human Form) CR 4
XP 1,200
Human natural weretiger rogue 4
NE Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +10
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 29 (4d8+8)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk short sword +5 (1d6+1/19–20)
Ranged mwk dagger +6 (1d4+1/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +7, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +6, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Swim +7
Languages Common
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and tiger; polymorph), lycanthropic empathy (tigers and dire tigers), rogue talents (bleeding attack +2, fast stealth), trapfinding +2
Environment any plains or swamps
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure NPC gear (studded leather, masterwork short sword, 2 masterwork daggers, other treasure)
Weretiger (Hybrid Form)
XP 1,200
Human natural weretiger rogue 4
NE Large humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +7; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +10
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +5 natural, -1 size)
hp 37 (4d8+16)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
DR 10/silver
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +8 (2d6+6 plus grab and curse of lycanthropy), 2 claws +8 (1d8+6 plus grab)
Ranged mwk dagger +6 (1d6+6/19–20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6, pounce, rake (2 claws +8, 1d8+6)
Str 23, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +10 (+14 grapple); CMD 23
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +12, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +6, Perception +10, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +8, Survival +7, Swim +2
Languages Common
SQ change shape (human, hybrid, and tiger; polymorph), lycanthropic empathy (tigers and dire tigers), rogue talents (bleeding attack +2, fast stealth), trapfinding +2
Weretigers in humanoid form have large eyes, long noses, and sharp cheekbones. Most have brown or red hair, though a few have white, black, or even blue-gray. Their movements appear careful yet casual, and a person observing one could easily assume he's watching a skilled pickpocket, graceful dancer, or sultry courtesan.
Weretigers tend to be solitary creatures, only spending time with others of their kind when they feel the urge to breed. Evil weretigers enjoy the thrill of hunting intelligent prey.