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You are viewing the legacy Pathfinder Reference Document website.
Paizo Inc. has now partnered with Archives of Nethys to provide the online version of the Pathfinder RPG rules at
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School necromancy [acid, death]; Level antipaladin 4, cleric 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target living creature touched
Duration instantaneous and 1 minute/level (see text)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates or Reflex half (see text); Spell Resistance yes
The target creature dies if it fails a Fortitude saving throw and its Hit Dice are no more than half your caster level. If it dies, its corpse rapidly putrefies. The next creature to touch the corpse within 1 minute per level of the target's death causes the corpse to explode in a 10-foot-radius burst, dealing 3d6 points of acid damage (Reflex half).